Sunday 29 April 2018

How to speed up your Android phone 5 tricks

How to speed up your Android phone 5 tricks

When you buy an Android smartphone, it runs smooth and fine from the initial setup to loading up a few necessary apps. But over time, the phone turns into a snail with stutter and lag with even simple apps taking time to load. When you face this issue, buying a new phone is not the only solution. There are a few simple tricks that can help your phone run fast again. Here are a few things that you can try to revitalise your smartphone.

Uninstall unnecessary apps

Google Play Store offers a plenitude of apps, some of which agilely tempt us to download and try them. But after some time we realize these apps are as plain as sugar. Over months, we simply forget about these apps that lie dormant and are potentially eating up precious space on your phone. To remove such apps and free up space, here’s what you can do-
1. Navigate to Settings menu on your phone
2. Open the Apps option
3. Scroll down the list and check for the apps that you no longer require
4. Tap on the apps and then click Uninstall
5. You can also disable certain apps in case you feel you will be needing them in the future

Clear cached data

Cached data speed up your device basically by saving data locally that reduces the extra bit of loading time when you browse the Internet to open a website or while opening an app. But over time the cache builds up and gets heavy on your device’s inbuilt memory. Anything in excess is not good. It’s better to clean it up from time to time and save your phone from getting sluggish. To clear cached data you can choose individual apps from the App manager. For this head to Settings Menu
1. Once you open the Settings menu, scroll down and click on the Apps option
2. Tap on the App list and choose the app whose cache you want to clear
3. Click on the Storage option and tap on Cached data and then tap OK

Disable animations

Different launchers offer varied animations and special effects, but while these transition effects make your device appear cool, it is another reason that causes your phone to slow down. To disable these unnecessary animations, you will first have to enable Developer options. In order to do this:
1. Go to Settings menu, scroll down and tap About phone
2. Scroll down again and check for the Build number that you will find below
3. Tap on it several times and a message will pop up saying ‘you are now a developer’
4. Head back to the Settings menu and you should see Developer options
5. Click on the options and look for Windows animation scale, Transition animation scale and Animation duration scale
6. Tap each option and select either .5x or off

Close background apps

Opening up several apps on your phone makes it easy to switch between them and for multi-tasking. But multiple apps running in the background can have an adverse effect on the phone’s performance. It tends to drain the battery faster as well. To clear up, you can open Recent tabs and then swipe away any app that you want to close or you can select Clear all to remove all open apps from running in the background.

Always keep your device software up to date

A software update not necessarily brings new features all the time. Most of the time these updates contain bug fixes and general improvements to enhance your device performance. So in case if you have been ignoring the notification to update your software, we recommend tapping on that install button as quickly as you can. If you don’t see the notification currently, head to Settings menu and then look for System Updates. Once you open it, tap on the Check for updates option and if there is any update available click on the Install button.
These tips may not make your phone as fast as new but will certainly help it shift a gear or two for the better.